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.Monday, March 31, 2008 ' 6:17 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Larry's message

Our project is specially meant for young people who got emotional abuse. These products are to improve their self-esteem as well as encouraging them to look further in life and have fun. In order to overcome their emotional abuse, we did research and through various experiments and surveys from people around the world, we figure out that people who got emotional abuse, it's best to let them free their feelings and let them forget about the past, by having fun and taking off things in their minds. The best thing is to create a theme park specially for these people. The main idea is ''Have Fun, For The Future and Let Go Of Hurtful Past''. Researches find out that emotional people tend to do foolish acts to feel better, leading them to wrongful thinking. To overcome these emotions, they have to improve their self-esteem, encourage themselves. This theme park is made for all-purpose to build their self-esteem and determination. Our dream is to help this people for better future.
Best wishes,
Larry , khairul , wilson

. ' 5:34 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Cool playgrounds we found on the net that is interesting and gave us ideas on the playground that we are building our theme for this playground is 'The definition of fun' the playground is in the form of a castle theme park.We could use these ideas and prototypes for our playground and make it look nicer as we used these very good infrastructures for our model.
Done by : brahamawan


. ' 5:32 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Abused Children With Emotional Scars

Abused Children are:

- Children who have been sexually assaulted, physically abused, starved, ignored or abandoned

- Types of Emotional Abuse:

1] Rejecting -- Parents who lack the ability to bond will often display rejecting behavior toward a child. They tell a child in a variety of ways that he or she is unwanted. They may also tell the child to leave, call him or her names and tell the child he or she is worthless. They may not talk to or hold the young child as he or she grows. The child may become the family scapegoat, being blamed for all the family's problems.

2] Ignoring -- Adults who have had few of their emotional needs met are often unable to respond to the needs of their children. They may not show attachment to the child or provide nurturance. They may show no interest in the child, express affection or even recognize the child's presence. Many times the parent is physically there but emotionally unavailable.

3] Terrorizing -- Parents may single out one child to criticize and punish. They may ridicule him or her for displaying normal emotions and have expectations far beyond his or her normal abilities. The child may be threatened with death, mutilation or abandonment.

4] Isolating -- A parent who abuses a child through isolation may not allow the child to engage in appropriate activities with his or her peers; may keep a baby in his or her room, not exposed to stimulation; or may prevent teenagers from participating in extracurricular activities. Parents may require the child to stay in his or her room from the time school lets out until the next morning, or restrict eating to isolation or seclusion.

5] Corrupting -- Parents permit children to use drugs

- This type of abuses leave hidden scars that manifest themselves in numerous ways. Insecurity, poor self-esteem, destructive behavior, angry acts (such as fire setting or cruelty to animals), withdrawal, poor development of basic skills, alcohol or drug abuse, suicide and difficulty forming relationships can all be possible results of emotional abuse.

-Therefore our playground should be able to get rid of their painful memories so that the memeories won't trouble them that much

By:khairul, wilson , larry

.Monday, March 24, 2008 ' 6:04 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Larry(Leader): Decide what to do/ do blog(find suitable skin)

Khairul(Secretary): Write Planner/ Find prices

Wilson(Researcher): Find info/ prices,etc.

Hakeem(Design): Sketch a sample of playground

Jia Le(Presenter): Sketch and find info.

Brahmawan(Builder): Do blog(find suitable skin)/ Sketch(done)

DEADLINE: N.A(most probably by next week)

posted by : khairul

The Definition of Fun

larry , hakeem , khairul , wilson , brahmawan , jia le class- 2e5(:





THANKS TO TOO, for finding it!
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