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.Thursday, April 24, 2008 ' 5:27 AM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

1) the Playground has a bridge which resembles `` bridge to terabithia ''.
2) There is a relaxation lounge for the kids to have their meals at the canteens , punching bags for them to vend their anger and Even a SAUNA!~


. ' 5:13 AM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

1) Viking are similar to ropes thus they are built
2) Automatic Swing
3) Sky Scrapper.
4) 4 storey slide ( with ladder and lift. )

.Wednesday, April 23, 2008 ' 12:16 AM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.


Individual Reflections

Eco-friendly features about my group’s 3D-model

Some wooden sticks

Playground designs/concepts that are linked to the novel

bridge The bridge is similar to the bridge in the novel.
swing Similar to the swing in the novel(rope)

Playground designs/concepts that meet the special needs of the children
Punching bag Relieve stress of children
Bright colours and tiles Does not make their life dull and to brighten up their life by grabbing their attention with the colours
Relaxing music Soothen and relax their minds

.Thursday, April 17, 2008 ' 6:03 AM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Name: Larry ( 21 )

Class: 2E5_____
Fill in the following and use the content/research/findings in your final group proposal for your Playground Project Blog.

Individual Reflections for Literature Mid-Year Project 2008
Sec 2 Express

Eco-friendly features about my group’s 3D-model Remarks (e.g. materials to be used, relevant research with links, photograph links etc)

->For our group, no natural resources are used. We will be using ice cream stick , small metal rods , a Styrofoam board for the base , plastacine , etc
->Stainless steel is used so as to prevent the rustiness from entering children’s blood and causing the situation to turn critical.
->Rubber materials will be used, together with some cushions will be placed so as to prevent children from injuring themselves if they fall.

Playground designs/concepts that are linked to the novel Explanation of how the designs/concepts are linked to the novel

-> There will be a swing just like the rope which u have to swing when entering Terabithia. - The swing is how they get to Terabithia.
-> There will be a bridge just like `` Bridge To Terabithia ‘’ - However after that terrific incident, a bridge was constructed to prevent further accidents like that.

Playground designs/concepts that meet the special needs of the children Explanation of how the designs meet the special needs of the children

-> Features of the TALL slide allow them to enjoy themselves. It wont be like a short ordinary slide, however a long one which feels Never-Ending!
-> The height makes the children feels excited, thus it wont certainly make the child forget all those pain he/she has experienced in the past.
-> Punching bags will also be placed at the playground so as when they get extremely angry with one another OR they remember about their past they will go there.
->This is to ensure they do not vend their anger on one another, for however vend out all their frustration they got on the punching bags!

.Wednesday, April 16, 2008 ' 5:37 AM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

The Post of the 2 pictures done by : Larry
Post of sketch : done by Larry and Jia le

. ' 5:31 AM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Some pictures we took around tampines .. Their bridges have a sort of link between ``Bridge to Terabithia ''

. ' 5:15 AM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

One Of the sketches ...

Done by: Larry and Jia Le

.Monday, April 14, 2008 ' 5:42 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Now,we need to finish the model for our playground.This will be taken as our final product for our project

posted by:Hakeem

.Monday, April 7, 2008 ' 6:19 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

To improve the facilities we have,we can add different types of textures to the walls and create different nature sounds which
can uplift the spirits of those abused.These are some ways to improve the playground.

Posted by:Hakeem

. ' 6:11 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Stainless steel is defined as an iron-carbon alloy. Stainless steel does not stain, corrode or rust as easily as ordinary steel (it "stains less"), but it is not stain-proof. It is also called corrosion resistant steel when the alloy type and grade are not detailed, particularly in the aviation industry. Common uses of stainless steel are cutlery and watch straps.High oxidation-resistance in air at ambient temperature are normally achieved with additions of a minimum of 13% (by weight) chromium, and up to 26% is used for harsh environments. Therefore, we will be usins stainless stell for some parts of the playground. Since some people have sensitive skin, stainless steel is suitable for the children from getting skin diseases. Rubber can be used to cover the metal from burning their hands when the day is hot.

by wilson

. ' 6:09 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

I found a suitable website for the price of the materials cost,plastics,alloys,metal,rubbers,anything to do with materials are included.

The website is below:

You all just have to tell me what materials,I'll check it out. =l

Remember to tell me the materials or i can't calculate the total cost!

Done by Jia Le

. ' 5:53 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Ideas for the playground

-> stainless steel which prevents the metal from turning rusty and thus when the children touch the metal and were to accidentally eat without washing their hands , it would turn out to be critical.

-> For the slide, we would not use metal , it being a conductor of heat, prevents the slide from being too hot , thus , plastic is the most ideal for this case

-> swings , rubber

->ladder, mixture of rubber for the handle( outer covering ) , metal in the inside to make it strong . the rubber is there to ensure that the handle does not get too hot

-> Punching bags to allow the children to vent out their anger or frustration whenever the remember those horrifying experience they have faced in the past

-> floor decoration , will be a mixture of colours , so it wont be so dull , minimizing the chance of the child to remember the past.

-> A bridge would be connecting the playground as it is related to BRIDGE TO TERABTHIA...

Done by : Larry

. ' 5:52 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Type Of Playground Suitable For The Children

Since the children are abused emotionally or physically, the playground should be full of bright colours to relieve their stress. There could be puching bags to loosen up their rage. By punching the bags, their anger will decrease since most of their rage is lost through punching the bag. A graffitti corner can also be built to express all their feelings through painting. Calming and soothing music can also be played to calm their troubled minds. The floor tiles can also be colourful so that the playground won't be dull like their lives. The colourful tiles will also grab their attention away from their painful memmories.

Done by: Khairul

The Definition of Fun

larry , hakeem , khairul , wilson , brahmawan , jia le class- 2e5(:





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