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.Monday, June 30, 2008 ' 9:43 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampines street 21
Singapore 529400

1th July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister of national development
Members of Tampines CRC

Dear Mr Mah,

Proposal to improve the playgrounds in Tampines

Tampines has been a great living environment for residents of all ages under your expert management.

Recently our school arranged a project for us to work on regarding on playgrounds suitable for the disabled and the abused. Our project is to create a playground to improve the self esteem of these children and allow them to look further in life and have fun. While researching, we came upon many playgrounds with interesting features. While comparing them with the playgrounds in Tampines, they seem plain and uninteresting. Therefore, I propose to you with the following ideas to improve some of our playgrounds here.

Firstly, you could improve the design of the playground making it more attention catching thus, this would invite more children to use the facilities as currently most playgrounds are `deserted ‘.This would be followed up by putting in more new structures such as more see – saws as they not commonly seen around Tampines.

Secondly Singapore has an average temperature of 33 degrees Celsius and you could include more shades to make the playgrounds more cooling thus being more enjoyable instead of sweating and not enjoying themselves. This could also prevent heatstroke thus I find it very meaningful.

Finally, since vandalism cannot be prevented, building a eye-catching and beautiful playground would not make someone vandalize it as they would not are to. I am aware that you are a busy person and I thank you for taking time out to read this.

Yours Sincerely,

. ' 9:34 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Yew Jia Le
Blk90 Bedok North Street 4
Singapore 460090
July 1st 2008

Minister of National Development, Member of Tampines GRC,
Mr Mah Bow Tan

Dear Mr Mah Bow Tan,

Under your expert leadership and years of experience in governing Tampines, Tampines has become a well- known place known in this region.

I am Yew Jia Le, a student of Pasir Ris Secondary School. Recently I have been given a task, a project based on playground.
The project is to design a playground for needy children so they won’t be the only one left out of fun. My group has designed a playground specially for the emotionally- scarred and abuse children. I did research about playgrounds around Tampines and realized most playgrounds are not suitable for the emotionally abused. The playgrounds do not have the requirements for the abused. What they need is a fun and bright playground to lighten their mood. It seemed that Tampines short of the facilities for them. These children need something fun for them, to make them forget hurtful past and pain sorrow. Vandalism is a way. We can design playgrounds for them to vandalize, of course washable. Maybe we should just build some of the design our school make up with. We can raise fund, and use the fund to build several playgrounds. The playgrounds will be built if possible, from our designs which are based on research. The playgrounds will have punching bags for the children to release their anger on. Wall will be built as an outlet for the children.

I hope you will see into this matter, I appreciate you taking your time to read my message.

Yours faithfully,
Yew Jia Le
Student of Pasir Ris Secondary

. ' 9:29 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Wilson hartono
26 limau terrace
Singapore 465817

1st july 2008

mr mah bow tan

Member of national development member of tampines GRC

Dear mr mah bow tan

My name is Wilson from Pasir Ris secondary school. I have been studying in tampines district for a long time and I feel that Tampines is a good environment to study and hang around since it has a nice environment. That is all thanks to your great leadership. You helped to make Tampines a good environment however I will really appreciate if you could consider renewing the old playground in the Tampines district. Thank you in advance for reading this letter of mine.

My group has done some research in playground for the disabled, mentally hurt and many other and we found that the playground in tampines district does not meet their needs. that is the reason I recommend to renovate the playground so that it could meet their needs . Through our research we could provide design of playground so that it could meet their needs. We find this idea with the help of a novel that titled ‘Bridge to Terabithia’.

The playground should have a soft surface to minimize the damage the kid took should any of them fall down. It should have some stress releasing game such as punching bag and some other facilities such as that to help the mentally abused kid .
The playground should have a railing to help those disabled kid .

Thank you for reading this letter. The cost for renovate a playground is not little but I am sure that it will help those disabled and mentally abused to become a better citizen.
I am so sorry to consume some of your time to read this letter. I thank you once again.

wilson hartono
students of pasir ris secondary school

. ' 9:25 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Brahmawan Riyadi
Blk327 Ubi Ave1
Singapore 400327

1st July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister of National Development, Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Mah Bow Tan

Suggestion to renovate old playground in Tampines

Hello my name is Brahmawan from Pasir Ris Secondary School. I am writing to you to suggest a renovation of the old playgrounds at Tampines. You are a great leader in our country. Since my school is in the Tampines district I have been around Tampines for quite a long time and it is a great place to be as it has nice environment and atmosphere. I have found out that these are the doing of you as a great leader. You have made Tampines a very great place to be.However I would hope that you would consider my ideas and renovate those old playgrounds. I thank you in advance for reading my letter.

Recently my group was doing a project on making a playground suitable for those who are disabled and have problems with their health for instance those who are mentally hurt. This is why we need to renovate the playgrounds to meet their needs. After the weeks of research had paid of and we had come out with some useful ideas on the playground but we have to follow the theme about the novel ‘Bridge To Terabithia’ as it is our assignment for the mid year exams.

Here are some of the ideas we have came up with. The playgrounds should have some spaces and ramps to help those who are disabled and it should have Braille letters so that the blind may have more directions on which is what. It should have a space to cool off the anger and sorrow from those who are mentally hurt or those who are emotionally abused. The space should have a punching bag. It should be more eco-friendly and it should be cleaner as not all of the playgrounds are very clean that is why not many come to play. It should have attractive design so that more children will come and play as they are attracted to light colours it should be reconsidered so that it may appeal to more children.

I hope you would consider these proposals and ideas as childrens should have a place in the public like all of us even those who are disabled. Thank you again for reading my letter. I hope you like my ideas.

Brahmawan Riyadi
Student of Pasir Ris Secondary School

. ' 9:23 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

Khairul Anwar Bin Ishak
Blk 312 Tampnes st 33
Singapore 520312

1st July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister Of National Development
Member Of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Mah Bow Tan,

Proposal to Renovate the Playgrounds in Tampines

I am Khairul from Pasir Ris Secondary.You are a great leader to this country. Under your expert leadership you, have been able to make the Tampines a good place for living. However, there are some areas in the neighborhood that can be improved on, mainly the playgrounds. Some of the playgrounds are a bit too small or have only a few interesting features. Therefore, I would like you to consider my ideas and hopefully, you will accept them and renovate the playgrounds.

Recently, I was doing a project which was about making our own playgrounds for children with special needs. For example, children who are amputated may have difficulties going up a playground and thus, the need to renovate the playgrounds to suite the needs of the children. From the weeks of research, our group has come up with some useful ideas for the respective children.

Here are some ideas that can be used for the playgrounds. Ramps can be built for people with wheelchairs so that they can go up the playgrounds easily. Music or instruments can be played to soothe the minds of children who are emotionally abused or just for children with a bad mood. Punching bags can also be placed to vent out their anger. As the playgrounds in the neighborhood do not appeal to children, playgrounds based on our traditions like dragons that may attract children. The designs are also ‘Uniquely Singapore’. Since young children are attracted to bright colors, the playgrounds should also be bright so as to appeal to the children

A playground should be friendly to all different types of children. Children who are disabled should not be neglected and therefore we should renovate the playgrounds to suite the needs of the children. I hope that you will take my ideas into consideration. I thank you for reading my letter.

Yours sincerely,
Khairul Anwar Bin Ishak
Student of Pasir Ris Secondary

. ' 9:06 PM Y
I can't deny that I don't miss those times.

43 Jalan Mariam
Singapore 509321
Hakeem Ali Bin Noordin

1st July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister for National Development
Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Mah

Upgrading of Playground Facilities

I am writing this letter to inform you about my group findings and project. We were instructed to create a blog about a playground then create a 3D model which we were told to hand in. My group and i have created a playground for the emotionally or physically challenged to help them relieve their stress and make them forget about the past.

There will be a swing made of rubber, a slide, punching bags to allow them to vent their anger on, a bridge and also different type of coloured tiles to express happiness to make them fell happy. The playground is also eco-friendly. This can also increase their self-esteem which they lack of.

Knowing that this is a project to create a playground, this is why I want to reflect about the playground in neighbourhoods. Playgrounds in Tampines are very inefficient and non eco-friendly which is why I am also writing this letter to feedback about them. I realize that they are very dangerous and are constructed at a very high height which can cause injuries in smaller children ageing from toddlers to adolescents. They could injure themselves if they are not careful.

I suggest that they lower the height of playgrounds and also allow ladders or even poles to be installed. By doing so, this can help the children to have different ways to go into the playground and even go out.

Yours faithfully,

Hakeem Ali Bin Noordin
Student of Pasir Ris Secondary School

The Definition of Fun

larry , hakeem , khairul , wilson , brahmawan , jia le class- 2e5(:





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